Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction, Procedure, Cost, Aftercare, and What To Expect

Also known as tooth removal, tooth extraction is a dental procedure involving removing broken or damaged teeth. This procedure may also be necessary to remove wisdom teeth, a deep cavity, and several other instances. However, some deep cavities can be restored by a root canal treatment.

Depending on your condition, you may need a simple extraction or surgical extraction. Compared to simple extractions, surgical extractions are more costly and take longer to heal. 

While Tooth extractions cost between $150-$500 per tooth, this may vary depending on your specific issue, location, dentists, and other issues.

Simple vs. Surgical Tooth Extraction

Simple tooth extraction

This procedure is more common and usually preferred if the tooth has no major complications. The pain management, healing time, and swellings with simple extraction are also likely to be mild.

Surgical tooth extraction 

A surgical extraction is a procedure that requires more invasive surgery for a tooth that is impacted or trapped in the jaw and cannot be easily accessed. You can expect more pain and healing time with a surgical tooth extraction.

After taking an x-ray and examining the affected tooth, your dentist will most likely determine whether you need a simple or surgical tooth extraction.

Call our office today at 323-457-8787 to schedule an appointment for dental extraction. ( Hablamos Español )

Reasons Why You May Need a Tooth Extraction

Examples of situations that may require your tooth to get removed include:

  • Broken/fractured tooth: Whether your tooth is too broken or damaged, a dentist can help you remove it.
  • Crowding: In some orthodontic cases, you may have to remove your teeth to avoid crowding.
  • Periodontal disease: Chronic gum infection or advanced periodontal disease may also cause the teeth to loosen. If you do not remove the teeth, it could lead to more dental and health issues.
  • Primary teeth: If you still have the baby teeth even when your permanent teeth are coming out, you may need to extract them to create room for the permanent teeth.
  • Large cavities: If you have a large cavity that is causing inflammation and infection in your tooth, you will need a root canal or tooth extraction.
  • Wisdom teeth: Wisdom teeth can grow incorrectly and cause range of problems.
Wisdom teeth removal by oral surgeon

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars in the back of your mouth. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause problems and grow in the wrong way, leading to crowding, cavities, infection, tooth decay, inflammation, and pain.

Your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon to remove your wisdom teeth. The ideal age to get wisdom teeth extraction is between 17-25.

How Much Is the Cost of Tooth Extraction

Depending on the complexity of your situation, you may spend between $150-$500 to extract one tooth. However, a simple extraction can cost $150-$300, and a surgical extraction may cost between $300-$500. More so, Wisdom teeth extractions for removing all your teeth by an oral surgeon may cost up to $2000, including the cost of exams, x-ray, and anesthesia.

If you plan to go for a dental implant after tooth extraction, you may have to choose bone grafts which cost $100-$1500 depending on the type of materials.

Don’t have dental insurance? No worries. We’ve got you. Call our office today at 323-457-8787 and see how we can help you.

How To Prepare Your Tooth For Extraction

The first step towards preparing your tooth for Extraction is visiting the dentist, who will review your medical history and the kind of drugs you are currently using. Some of the medicines that you need to disclose include:

  • Bisphosphonates
  • Blood thinners, anticoagulants
  • Steroids
  • Immune-suppressing medication
  • Denosumab
  • Other biological agents

Your dentist may also need to know whether you are suffering from the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Joint replacements
  • Heart valve replacement
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hypertension
  • Thyroid disease
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Joint replacements
  • Heart valve replacement

What to Do on The Day of The Extraction

To avoid any risk during Extraction, you must avoid smoking and drinking. If you are getting IV sedation (moderate to deep sedation), don’t eat for 6 to 8 hours before the procedure. Also, ensure you have someone who can drive you back after the procedure and help you with your after-surgical operation care as you recover from the sedation.

If you have had vomiting, cold, or nausea during the week of the procedure, make sure you inform your doctor, who may reschedule or adjust the procedure.

Types of Anesthesia For Tooth Extraction

Since simple extractions usually do not require anything, your dentist will only inject you with local anesthesia to numb the area. Your dentist can also use mild sedation of nitrous oxide (Laughing gas) to calm you during the procedure.

For surgical extractions, you can use mild sedation (Nitrous oxide), moderate sedation (You’ll need a ride home afterward), or deep sedation (general anesthesia), which an anesthesiologist or dentist administers with anesthesia training (You’ll need a ride home afterward). 

Depending on your condition and anxiety level, your dentist will decide the type of anesthesia that is best for you.

Dental X-ray before tooth extraction

Tooth Extraction Procedure

Before the Procedure

The first step toward tooth extraction is examining and taking x-rays. Your dentist may also assess the position of your teeth and check whether you have any possible infection. Your dentist might prescribe antibiotics if you have any potential complications or infections. 

During the Procedure

Although you’ll feel pressure during the process, you’ll not feel any pain. But if you experience any pain or discomfort during the process, let your dentist know.

Simple Extraction

To perform a simple extraction, your dentist will:

  • Numb the area with local anesthesia.
  • Using specialized dental instruments, your dentist will gently loosen your tooth and carefully lift it from its socket.
  • Once your tooth is removed, your dentist will clean and disinfect the socket.
  • In some cases, your dentist may also place a dental bone graft. This helps prevent bone loss in your jaw.

Surgical Tooth Extraction

For a surgical extraction, your dentist will:

  • Administer a local anesthetic into the affected area.
  • If you are getting IV sedation, insert the IV and administer the sedative.
  • Make a small incision along your gum line to access and retract the gum.
  • Remove some bone to expose the impacted tooth expertly.
  • Remove the tooth and smooth out any sharp edges.
  • Rinse the socket and suture the extraction site closed.
  • The anesthesiologist may administer steroids and antibiotics to prevent infection.

After the Procedure

As the anesthesia wears off, you will likely experience some pain and discomfort, and the bleeding should have stopped or been reduced after an hour. After the procedure, your dentist will provide instructions on successfully managing your healing.

Your dentist will also place gauze at the extraction site, where you must bite down for at least 3 hours. Also give you an extra gauze that you can use at home.

Painkillers for Extraction Recovery

After Extraction, your dentist will give you over-the-counter painkillers such as Ibuprofen or prescribe stronger pain medication if needed to help you manage the pain. However, you need to avoid aspirin as it makes your blood thin and continues bleeding.

In Some cases, your doctor may also give you opioids after a surgical extraction that you can take every time you want to go to sleep. Unless you seriously need them, avoid taking opioids for long.

You should also dispose of any unused opioid pain medication as soon as possible by flushing them down the toilet or throwing them into the trash.

Best Painkiller For Extraction

One of the best painkillers for tooth extraction is Ibuprofen. According to dentists, you must take 400-800 milligrams of the drug 3 times a day for 3 days after the Extraction. Taking Ibuprofen helps significantly reduce the swelling. But since it’s a prescription drug, you should not take it unless you see a dentist. Taking an overdose of the drug may thin your blood and promote bleeding.

Oral Surgery Tooth Extraction Aftercare

After the procedure has been completed, you need to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. Doing this will not only minimize pain but also reduce the time it takes to heal. Some of the things you need to do:

  • Keeping Your Head Elevated: To avoid pain around the extraction area, you must elevate your head for at least 2-3 days afterward. You can place an extra pillow under your head to stop yourself from lying flat.
  • Apply Ice to your face: As soon as there is swelling, you need to apply Ice to your face for at least 20 minutes.
  • Don’t smoke: Since smoking can cause more infection, you need to avoid it.
  • Don’t disturb the site: It’s important to avoid drinking through a straw, spitting, or vigorous mouth movements. When you rinse your mouth, allow the water to flow out of your mouth gently.
  • Saltwater rinses: After the first 24 hours, you can rinse your mouth with warm salty water to promote healing.
  • Don’t touch the extraction site: While your tooth is still healing, you must avoid touching the extraction site.
  • Eat soft foods: Make sure you only eat soft foods for the next 3 days to avoid disturbing the extraction area. You should also avoid sugary foods, which can slow the healing process.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for at least two days: Having a high heart rate can cause more bleeding and pain after surgery. (Skip the gym for the first 48 to 72 hours).
  • Take all medications as directed: If your dentist prescribes antibiotics and pain relievers, it is important to take them exactly as directed.

How soon after tooth extraction can I eat?

You can start eating soft foods 4-6 hours after tooth extraction. Avoid hard, crunchy, spicy, and hot-in-temperature foods.

Brushing Teeth

When can I brush my teeth after a tooth extraction?

Wait 24 hours after oral surgery before you start brushing your teeth and flossing. Avoid brushing or flossing near the extraction site for at least 3 days. 

Tooth Extraction Recovery Time

For simple tooth extraction, most people can return to work or school within a day or two. If you have a very physical job requiring a lot of lifting, you might need to take a few more days off. 

On the other hand, it may take up to 7-10 days for you to recover from surgical Extraction. In case you experience intense pain, make sure you contact your dentist.  

Complications That May Arise

Like all other procedures, tooth extraction may come with some complications. It is usually associated with wisdom or surgical teeth extractions. Here are Factors that may put you at risk include:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Bottom wisdom teeth extraction
  • Use of hormonal birth control
  • Age can increase the risk
  • Certain medical conditions
  • Pre-existing infection before the procedure

Teeth Extraction Complications

  • Dry Socket: Sometimes when a tooth is extracted, a blood clot that forms over the area can be dislodged, leading to a condition called osteitis or dry socket.
  • Infection: If you have a fever, pain, swelling, or a foul taste in the mouth, make sure you see a dentist as it could be an infection.
  • Soreness of the mouth: Injections, long procedures, and pressure may make your mouth stiff.
  • Damaged teeth: Accidental damage to adjacent teeth.
  • Sinus communication: This is a hole that may open during the procedure that can take several weeks to heal on its own.
  • Numbness: Your lower lips, mouth, and chin may also get numb after the procedure.
  • Residual roots: If there are risks in removing them, your dentist may leave tooth roots behind.
  • Teeth shift: If a tooth is extracted and not replaced with a dental implant, your teeth may shift and disrupt your bite.
  • Bleeding: You may also experience heavy bleeding after the procedure. If you experience heavy bleeding, make sure you see a doctor.
  • TMJ pain: Pressure on your jaw and keeping your mouth open for a long time can lead to soreness of the jaw or the TMJ.

When To Call A Dentist After The Procedure

If you experience complications after the procedure, you need to call a dentist. Examples of these complications include; 

  • Severe pain and heavy bleeding 4 hours after the procedure
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fever or chills
  • Swelling, redness, and discharge
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Breathless, Coughing, and chest pain
  • Bloody nasal discharge

Why You Need Bone Graft After Extraction?

A bone graft is usually done after tooth extraction. This is because when a tooth is pulled, the hole left in the jawbone affects your face and jaw structure as the bone shrinks at the extraction site. A bone graft fills in the hole and prevents this from happening.

If you are going to have a dental implant, dental bridge, or denture put in, it is better to do the bone graft as soon as possible. Ideally, the bone graft would be done at the same time as the tooth extraction.

Note that wisdom teeth or baby teeth don’t need a bone graft.

Other Options Instead of Tooth Extraction

Most of the time, root canal treatment is a better way to treat an infected tooth than Extraction. Your dentist will carefully analyze your oral health and advise you on the best treatment for your situation. 

Root Canal

A root canal is a standard and reliable dental treatment that will last a long time and has many benefits for oral health and wellbeing. Root canal treatment is a painless process that removes the infected or damaged pulp from the root cavity. The inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed; this process will save your natural tooth.

If you pull your tooth unnecessarily, there are more costs and other challenges. In addition, You will need to replace the missing tooth. However, getting a root canal and crown is much less expensive than getting an extraction and implant.


In conclusion, tooth extractions are a procedure where a tooth is not restorable and pulled out of its socket. 

If you have a deep cavity, broken teeth, spacing issues, or wisdom teeth, your dentist might recommend that you need a tooth extraction.

There are two types of extractions: simple extraction and surgical extraction. You can expect to spend between $140-$450 per tooth based on your specific condition. A surgical extraction takes longer to heal than a simple extraction and costs more.

It is important to tell your dentist if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medications before a tooth extraction procedure.

If you are anxious about the process, there are many sedation options.

Before pulling a tooth, make sure you know all your options and plan to restore the missing tooth. After tooth extraction, replacing the tooth with a dental implant or another restoration option is very important.

After tooth extraction, most people need a bone graft to keep their bone’s integrity.

Schedule a dental consultation with Reza Dental Care at 323-457-8787. We look forward to taking care of all your oral health.

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